Organized By: Internal Quality Assurance Cell,
College of Nursing Christian Medical College, Vellore.
Theme: Quality Enhancement in Higher Education: Exploring interdisciplinary perspectives as a way forward to academic excellence.
This conclave is organised in honor of Dr. Vathsala Sadan, Dean, College of Nursing, CMC, Vellore and celebrate our success… NAAC ” A” Grade
Date: June 7th, 2023
Venue: Scudder Auditorium Christian Medical College Bagayam, Vellore-632002, Tamil Nadu
Celebrating our success… NAAC ” A” Grade

College of Nursing, CMC, Vellore.
It is our pleasure to invite you to Quality Assurance Conclave hosted by the College of Nursing, Christian Medical College (CMC), Vellore, Tamil Nadu on 7th June 2023.
CMC has been at the pinnacle for over 120 years now. The primary concern of our institution is to produce Compassionate, Professionally Competent, and Ethically sound individuals. These individuals are developed through high-quality education and training to enable them to function effectively in various healthcare settings.
Quality in higher education is multi-dimensional. In this technologically advanced era, every higher education institute strives hard to achieve excellence by adopting innovative initiatives for Quality enhancement and sustenance. In this conclave we intend to encourage each delegate to deliberate on improving the quality of education in institutions offering higher education with the following objectives:
- To foster networking among the Higher Education Institutions
- To exchange knowledge on new concepts related to various aspects of curriculum planning, delivery, and evaluation, Teaching -Learning Methods.
- To identify opportunities for collaborative research that would enhance the quality of education.
- To gain understanding of the various organization that offers educational grants.
- To utilize the expertise from different disciplines to improve the quality of higher education.