The Conclave

The organizing committee gladly invites you to participate in this venture for a larger benefit. The Conclave is on the theme “Quality Enhancement in Higher Education: Exploring interdisciplinary perspectives as a way forward to academic excellence”.

The Sub Themes include
a. Innovations in curricular aspects.
b. Create Teaching-Learning and Evaluation Practices.
c. Education Research.
d. Physical and Technological Infrastructure & Learning Resources
e. Student Support and Progression
f. Governance, Leadership and Management
g. Institutional Value.


Dr. Vathsala Sadan, Dean
College of Nursing, CMC, Vellore
Mrs. Alice Sony,
Nursing Superintendent, CMC, Vellore

Organising Chairperson

Dr. Manoranjitham Sathiyaseelan,
Professor & Head
Psychiatry Nursing
College of Nursing, CMC, Vellore
Dr. Vinitha Ravindran,
Professor & Head
CNE & Research
College of Nursing, CMC, Vellore

Organising Secretary

Mrs. Shandrila Immanuel,
Deputy Dean
College of Nursing, CMC, Vellore
Ms. Anita Kiruba Jeyakumar,
Professor & IQAC Coordinator
College of Nursing, CMC, Vellore

Contact: 0416-2287017